Jung Yunho at Mulberry Event | 02.03.2012


And because it’s my Prince’s birthday, I’m going to spam with lovely photos. This first batch is from the Mulberry Event which was held last February 3. I must say that while I still have reservations about Yunho’s current hair color, I think the outfit he wore was ROCKIN’. Love how those jeans are so tight. *cough*thighs*cough*

Oh, oh… I also quite like the fact that he’s photographed with all these animals (I’m not sure if they’re wooden or balloons, though) at the background. It’s like 1) he’s attending a children’s party, which is adorable because HELLO~~~ Yunho + kids = explodingovaries LOVE, and 2) the universe is telling him to memorize what these animals look like just in case he needed to draw them again for a game or an interview or whatnot. 😛 YUNHO, PLEASE REMEMBER, THANK YOU. ^^ (Though yeah… there aren’t any rhinos in this set-up. /sad)

And again… HAPPY BIRTHDAY YUNHO! ^____________^
I love you. But you already know that. But I wanted to say it again anyway. ♥

[ Photo credits : on pic + The Jung Yunho thread on Soomp! ]

One thought on “HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY, PRINCE YUNHO! ♥”

  1. Whaha!! his rhino at Running Man xD… He need to memorize those animals, because if he has to be on Running Man again he knows how to draw them at least xD *forever laughing over his drawing* xD

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